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The Panama Experience

Eco Venao

This sustainable option is located in a 350-acre reforestation project, where the mountains of the Azuero peninsula meet Venao Beach. There is something here for everyone: high-end travelers, ecotourists, and surfers. Venao is a surfer’s paradise and it is also perfect for kayaking, diving, snorkeling, fishing, bird-watching, and hiking. Visit a beautiful waterfall on foot or horseback, enjoy dinner at the renowned Panga restaurant, take yoga classes, or tour an organic farm.

Tel. (507) 832 0530 / WhatsApp: (507) 6249 7627
Instagram: @eco_venao / stay@ecovenao.com

A  Iguana con Cubitá Tours / Hotel Cubitá

Cubitá Tours ofrece el plan Isla Iguana Snorkel & Playa para visitar este refugio de vida silvestre ubicado a ocho kilómetros de la costa. Isla Iguana tiene playas de arena blanca, aguas cristalinas y arrecifes con doce tipos de coral, que albergan más de trescientas especies marinas. Con frecuencia hay delfines, tortugas y ballenas jorobadas. El tour incluye senderismo guiado de oeste a este de la isla, snorkel y un descanso en la playa para disfrutar de un almuerzo estilo picnic.

Tel. (507) 978 0234  / Cel. 6671 7341

Beach Break Surf Camp

This surf camp, situated on a beach with some of the most consistent waves in Panama, offers quality instruction to anyone who wants to learn to surf. The clean and comfortable lodgings are just steps from the beach and feature a pool overlooking the ocean and a delicious restaurant. Packages include one or two surfing lessons a day, up to two hours of guided surfing a day, unlimited board rental, a video and photo package, yoga lessons, fitness, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and breakfast. It all adds up to a wonderful surf camp experience for everyone.

WhatsApp: (507) 6256 4061
Instagram: @beachbreaksurfcamp / bbplayavenao@gmail.com