El Caño
memorias de excavación
Edited by: Julia Mayo Torné
Panamanian National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT)
In 2008, the announcement of new finds at the El Caño archeological dig, in the Panamanian province of Coclé, caused quite a stir in the archeological community of the Americas. The discovery of eight largely-undisturbed tombs allowed an international team of professionals, led by archeologists Julia and Carlos Mayo, to reveal an extensive collection of metalwork, ceramics, and sculptures. It also allowed the archeologists to understand the collection in context, leading to insights into various aspects of the culture’s social organization, cosmology, economy, and technology. This two-volume memoir edited by Dr. Julia Mayo describes the process. The work is available in bookstores in Panama or directly from the El Caño Foundation: