Panorama of the Americas Now, always, and everywhere
As Copa Airlines takes to the skies again, its well-regarded official magazine, Panorama of the Americas, also makes its return. We took advantage of our earthbound recess to transform the magazine and adapt it to these new times. The publication is back with a cleaner, sleeker design that joins the elegance of the print version with the dynamism of the digital format.
The new age also extends the magazine’s network of readers beyond inflight passengers to the nearly two million members in our Connect Miles airline loyalty program and the airline’s 1.6 million Facebook followers, Instagram (655,000), and Twitter (274,000).
• Access to each section of the magazine directly from the menu.
• Zoom touch technology for expanding text and images.
• An improved reading experience, with links to videos, websites, and social media.
You will also enjoy extra Panorama content at revistapanorama.com